Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

 Self-resumption and proliferation of stem cell populations is controlled by induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis is regulated by some of the same signal transduction pathways. Cell cycle control and apoptosis regulation closely link to cellular prolife ration, differentiation, senescence and cell death. Apoptosis is regulated by some of the signal transduction pathways by induction of apoptosis, self-renewal and proliferation of stem cell population. Apoptosis is also an important focus for stem cell transplantation, cell signaling, replacement therapy and tissue aging etc. stem cells will require full elucidation of the signal transduction cascades for proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

  • Track 1-1Stem cell products and analysis
  • Track 1-2Ubiquitination Pathways
  • Track 1-3Cell Signaling in Stem Cells
  • Track 1-4Cellular Proliferation and Tumor Growth
  • Track 1-5Molecular & Genomics analysis of Cancer
  • Track 1-6Tissue aging
  • Track 1-7Cancer Stem cells and impaired apoptosis
  • Track 1-8Inflammatory diseases & disorders

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are the certain immortal cells within the tumor or hematological regions that possess characteristics related to the normal stem cell and they are capable of proliferating into all other types of cancer cells Cancer stem cells specifically have an ability to give rise to all cell types found in a particular cancer sample. Cancer stem cells are the primary targets of cancer biologist and oncologist for treatment of various tumors, even though they are fairly resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These cells give rise to new tumors by metastasis and relapse caused by hypothesizing the stem cells to persist in tumors as a distinct population. Approaches have been made to exploit the property of these cells to develop immortal cell lines for the production of drugs and cytokines relevant to medical use, but, a lot more understanding is required before bringing the results in practice.

  • Track 2-1Breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs)
  • Track 2-2Signaling in tumorigenic cells
  • Track 2-3Diagnostic and Prognostic biomarkers of cancer stem cells
  • Track 2-4Drug resistance in cancer stem cells
  • Track 2-5Cancer antigens as immunotherapy targets
  • Track 2-6Pharmaceutical applications of cancer stem cells
  • Track 2-7Stem cells in cancer treatment

Stem cell transplantation is a procedure, which replaces defective or damaged cells. Sometimes referred to as bone marrow transplant, is a procedure that replaces unhealthy blood-forming cells with healthy cells. Stem cell transplantation allows doctors to give large doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to increase the chance of eliminating blood cancer in the marrow and then restoring normal blood cell production. Researchers continue to improve stem cell transplantation procedures, making them an option for more patients.

  • Track 3-1Cord blood stem cell transplant
  • Track 3-2Stem Cell Engineering
  • Track 3-3Embryonic stem cell transplant
  • Track 3-4Neural Stem Cells and Development
  • Track 3-5Prevention of Transplant Rejection
  • Track 3-6Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Track 3-7Transplantation immunology: Solid organ and bone marrow
  • Track 3-8Umbilical cord blood transplantation
  • Track 3-9Chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation
  • Track 3-10Autonomic complications of multiple sclerosis
  • Track 3-11Autologous stem cell transplant
  • Track 3-12Advances in stem cell transplantation

Computational biology, a branch of biology involving the application of  computer science to the understanding and modeling of the structures and processes of biology,that referred to as bioinformatics. It entails the use of computational methods  for the representation and . apply advanced analysis techniques that make it possible to dissect complex collections of data from a wide range of technologies and sources.

The fields of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine research are fundamentally about understanding dynamic cellular processes such as development, reprogramming, repair, differentiation and the loss, acquisition or maintenance of pluripotency. Whereas bioinformatics is used to interpret the information produced by such technologies. pluripotency. In order to precisely decipher these processes at a molecular level, it is critical to identify and study key regulatory genes and transcriptional circuits. Modern high-throughput molecular profiling technologies provide a powerful approach to addressing these questions as they allow the profiling of tens of thousands of gene products in a single experiment. Whereas bioinformatics is used to interpret the information produced by such technologies.

  • Track 4-1Bioinformatic analysis of stem cells
  • Track 4-2Biorobotics and biosensors
  • Track 4-3Gene expression analysis
  • Track 4-4Computational Tools for Stem Cell Biology
  • Track 4-5Cellular computing and drug discovery

Stem cell bank is a facility that stores cells of specific genome for the purpose of future use in a product or medicinal needs. The wide array of bio specimens (including blood, saliva, plasma, and purified DNA) maintained in bio banks can be described as libraries of the human organism. Cell banks are commonly used within fields including stem cell research and pharmaceuticals, with cryopreservation being the traditional method of keeping cellular material intact.

  • Track 5-1Collection and Cryopreservation
  • Track 5-2Placenta cord banking
  • Track 5-3Public cord blood banking
  • Track 5-4Private cord blood banks
  • Track 5-5Genetic Disease & Treatments

Stem Cell Biomarker is signalize as a quality or their proteins that are utilized to disengage and recognize immature microorganisms. Molecular biomarkers serve as profitable apparatuses to arrange and segregate embryonic immature microorganisms (ESCs) and to screen their separation state by immunizer based systems.Various biomarkers, for example, certain cell surface antigens, are utilized to dole out pluripotent ESCs.

  • Track 6-1Molecular Biomarkers
  • Track 6-2Cellular Biomarkers
  • Track 6-3Therapeutic Responses of diseases
  • Track 6-4Clinical Applications for Biomarkers

Epigenetics is the study of potentially heritable changes in gene expression -  a change in phenotypewithout a change in genotype. It is cellular and physiological phenotypic trait variations that are caused by external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off and affect how cells read genes instead of being caused by changes in the DNA sequence. During morphogenesis, totipotent stem cells become the various pluripotent cell lines of the embryo, which in turn become fully differentiated cells.

  • Track 7-1Gene expression and epigenomics
  • Track 7-2Germinal Stem Cell Biology
  • Track 7-3Epigentic & Molecular Specification of Germline
  • Track 7-4Spermatogonial Stem Cells and their Niche
  • Track 7-5Genes silencing
  • Track 7-6Epigenetic Regulatory Pathways
  • Track 7-7Genetic Influences on the Developing Germline
  • Track 7-8Medical and Biotechnological Applications of Germ Cell Research

Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. The stem cell field in veterinary medicine continues to evolve rapidly both experimentally and clinically. Veterinary applications of stem cell therapy as a means of tissue regeneration have been framed by research with the use of adult-derived mesenchymal stem cells to treat animals affected by bone and connective tissue inuries. New reproductive technologies based on stem cells offer several potential. 

  • Track 8-1Vet StemCell Therapy
  • Track 8-2StemCell in Veterinary Regenerative Medicine
  • Track 8-3StemCell for Wildlife Conservation
  • Track 8-4Vet StemCell in Cencer Biology
  • Track 8-5Reproductive StemCell for Wildlife

Plant stem cells are innately undifferentiated cells located in the meristems of plant. They serve as the origin of plant vitality, as they maintain themselves while providing a steady supply of precursor cells to form differentiated tissues and organs in the plant.


  • Track 9-1Plant stem cells for Cancer Drugs
  • Track 9-2Plant stem cells in Cosmetic Products
  • Track 9-3Vaccine Production
  • Track 9-4Apple stem cell technology

In recent years, the inter crossing of nanotechnology in stem cell biology and biomedicine has led to an emerging new research field, known as stem cell nanotechnology. Stem cell nanotechnology is defined as the application of nanotechnology in stem cells research and development, and it is characterized as highly rapid in development, highly interdisciplinary, and highly controversial.

  • Track 10-1Nanoparticles: Cell tracking, and endocytosis
  • Track 10-2Imaging methods and technologies
  • Track 10-3Nanovaccines
  • Track 10-4Nano materials and nano engineering
  • Track 10-5Nanotechnology for genetic engineering
  • Track 10-6Nanotechnology for creating stem cell niche
  • Track 10-7Nanoparticle Toxicity to Stem Cells

Tissue regeneration therapeutics, making foundational microorganisms for supportive application in regenerative pharmaceutical. Regenerative solution is to offer the body some help with recuperating itself more sufficiently. It also develops OsteoScaf, a biodegradable, fully resorbable, and osteoconductive scaffold for use in healing tissue defects. In regenerative pharmaceutical, cell, tissue and organ substitutes are made to restore normal limit that has been lost.

  • Track 11-1Regeneration by 3D printing
  • Track 11-2Regeneration with drugs
  • Track 11-3Induced regeneration in humans
  • Track 11-4Stem cells for tissue repair
  • Track 11-5Stem Cell Cartilage Regeneration
  • Track 11-6Advanced stem cell therapies in tissue engineering

Stem cell technology is a rapidly developing field that combines the efforts of cell biologists, geneticists, and clinicians and offers hope of effective treatment for a variety of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Stem cells are defined as totipotent progenitor cells capable of self renewal and multilineage  differentiation. Stem cells survive well and show stable division in culture, making them ideal targets for in vitro manipulation.

  • Track 12-1Peridontal therapy/surgery
  • Track 12-2Guided tissue regeneration
  • Track 12-3Stem Cell Technology in Cardiac Regeneration
  • Track 12-4Advancements in biomedical & tissue engineering techniques
  • Track 12-5Latest Technologies leads to better future

Regenerative pharmaceuticals have the one of a kind capacity to repair , supplant and recover tissues and organs , influenced because of some harm, infection.These drugs are ability of restoring the usefulness of cells and tissues.These medications have wide appropriateness in treating degenerative scatters including dermatology, cardio vascular, neurodegenerative sicknesses.Cell treatment is the quickest developing fragment of regenerative drug.This undeveloped cell treatment is making up the biggest part of this business sector.


  • Track 13-1Regulatory Challenges in Cell Therapy
  • Track 13-2Funding and Partnering
  • Track 13-3Stem Cells for Drug Discovery & Disease Modeling
  • Track 13-4Manufacturing and Scalable Processes
  • Track 13-5Biotech Showcase: Emerging Pipelines
  • Track 13-6Commercialization: Creating Sustainable Business Models

Stem cell research has attracted an extraordinary amount of attention and expectation due to its potential for applications in the treatment of numerous medical conditions. These exciting clinical prospects have generated widespread support from both the public and private sectors, and numerous preclinical studies and rigorous clinical trials have already been initiated. Recent years, however, have also seen alarming growth in the number and variety of claims of clinical uses of notional 'stem cells' that have not been adequately tested for safety and/or efficacy. Alternative therapies lack scientific validation, and are usually based on religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural energies or pseudoscience. Regulation and approval of alternative medicine treatment varies from region to region. Use of the term ‘stem cells’ has evolved into a powerful meme in the marketing of human or animal cell-based treatments, supplements and cosmetics, with associations of health, youth and beauty.

  • Track 14-1Stem Cell Regenerative Alternative Medicine
  • Track 14-2Pediatrics Stem Cell Alternative Medicine
  • Track 14-3Naturopathic, Homeopathy and Ayurveda medicine and Stem Cell
  • Track 14-4Chinese Traditional Medicine and Stem Cell
  • Track 14-5Alternative Medicine in Veterinary Stem Cell
  • Track 14-6Alternative Medicine in Plant Stem Cell
  • Track 14-7Alternative Medicine Market, Current Research and future Scope
  • Track 14-8Alternative Medicine Market, Current Research and future Scope

Stem cells and their applications in tissue regeneration comes with a few interesting controversies regarding the bioethical issues involved in stem cell research. The basic system of regulation and review of research involving humans and animals as subjects is familiar to investigators. Stem cell research offers great promise for understanding basic mechanisms of human development and differentiation, as well as the hope for new treatments for diseases such as diabetes, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, and myocardial infarction. The collection of somatic stem cells from the human fetuses and umbilical cords is the most extreme controversy so far. Other issues involve the potential of stem cells to induce a tumor in the body and use of embryos which are only a few days old. Human embryo cloning was suggested as an alternative to this situation which was highly criticized by the ethical groups. Currently, lack of stem-cell markers and in-vitro systems for manipulation also hinders the research and makes it a daunting task.

  • Track 15-1Stem cell research: oversight and clinical translation
  • Track 15-2Limitations and challenges in tissue engineering
  • Track 15-3Clinical trials: uncertainty and human subjects
  • Track 15-4Highly multipotent stem cells: bio banking, disease modeling, and drug discovery
  • Track 15-5Justice in stem cell research and treatment
  • Track 15-6Bioethical issues in embryonic stem cells
  • Track 15-7Bioethical issues in embryonic stem cells
  • Track 15-8Global strategy and legal framework